Association Frédéric Fellay

June 2012 – Launch of the Space for Young Adults (Espace Jeunes Adultes) Project within the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) oncology ward

June 2012 – Launch of the Space for Young Adults (Espace Jeunes Adultes) Project within the Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) oncology ward

Young adults (16-~30) affected by cancer are confronted by medical problems but also difficulties linked to their age. Effectively, either they find themselves cared for among much older adults, or they move directly from an environment for children (pediatric) to one for adults. The idea behind this project is to improve the quality of non-medical care for all the young adults affected by cancer and help them withstand, to some extent, and accept weeks if not months of hospitalization coupled with intensive treatments. Moreover, besides physical and moral hardship, young adults are also isolated within the structures that take them in. The lag between their genuine needs and the support that is offered to then constitutes an additional difficulty to overcome.